I’m a designer, researcher and educator working on a variety of material-based topics including new material technologies and bio-based materials as the means for a sustainable future, as well as traditional craft materials and the exploration of the same through design methodologies.Due to the complex and specialised nature of the material world, the process of collaborating with experts from other fields forms an important aspect of my work. I strongly believe that sharing knowledge and creating a common ground for different perspectives is key to tackling the urgent topics of our times; to (re)discover in order to reveal something new.I am currently working as an artistic researcher at the Institute for Transmedia Design at the University of the Arts Berlin, specifically on the project »Material-digital Entanglements – situated and implicit Material Knowledge in a post-digital World«. I explore cobalt, wood and AI-generated hypothetical materials, including their social, political and technological interdependencies within digitality and cultural practices.The project is funded by the TU Berlin Graduate Programme »DiGiTal« and runs from 2023 until 2026.At the core of my practice lies the use of design as method to break down boundaries between those experts in their field and the public in general; to spark awareness and generate curiosity about materials and material culture. This has led me to engage and co-curate several participatory research-based workshops, pop-up labs and exhibitions, including: »Material as Experiment« at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and the international travelling exhibition »glass – hand formed matter«.I also worked on the development of the comprehensive open platform »Decoding Ceramics« as part of the EU funded research project »CRAFT« which brought together five European universities. As part of this project we gathered ceramic knowledge from across Europe and tried to decode the craft, expertise and implicit knowledge in order to support its preservation and future perspective, thereby making it more accessible to students and educators around the globe.Prior to this I worked as a researcher and educator at weißensee school of art and design berlin as part of the research platform »Design and Experimental Material Research« in the Department Textile and Material Design. I also worked within the cross-disciplinary »greenlab – Laboratory for Sustainable Design Strategies«, where multiple design disciplines are brought together to create experimental material-based concepts for an ecologically and socially responsible future.Hosting and contributing to conferences and writing is an integral part of my research practice, including for example the DGTF conference »matters of communication«, »Die Sprachen des Materials – Narrative, Theorien, Strategien«, form Magazine or co-publishing and co-editing the annual »greenlab« publications. As a designer and maker I enjoy experimenting with a variety of materials and colours.